Find the job you want. Tips on how to do your best job search.

How to improve your career transition.

Find the job you want. Tips on how to do your best job search.

Learn how to find the job you want?

If you’re wanting to find your best job and you’re finding your job search is hugely challenging, you would not be alone! Here are good job search tips from a job seeker who, with the support of my coaching created a healthier, efficient and successful job search.

Women overcome imposter syndrome with Qclubbb

Why have a coaching partnership with me?

I am Tania, the founder of Qclubbb | Bold Brave Beautiful coaching+ .

My clients speak of the amazing and fast results they achieve through my support.  

They work with me and draw on my huge experience as a coach and trainer. They appreciate my international  training and expert coaching background. I can share these endorsements through LinkedIn during our discovery call.

I’m really looking forward to speaking with you soon.  And, should we wish to start our coaching and course partnership, I very much look forward to getting you from where you are now, to where you want to be.


Qclubbb – Ultimate Coaching | Growth & Success Tailored Programmes

Bold Brave Beautiful.

Coaching for success offer:

Job seekers learn how to conquer their job search. | Qclubbb

Qclubbb is a unique online coaching and course platform that helps those in transition with their careers.

Coaching with online customised job seekers programme is agile and is geared to support you in your career transition. Tailored to your needs and to fit around busy schedules. Additionally, access the app which offers you fast support with your recruitment needs, or anything else that shows up.

Now you have access to the career coaching offer that supports you to move forward fast in your job search, and create success in your career. 

Schedule your call with me now:

Gain power over your beastly career saboteurs, and learn how to lean into your sage.

Achieve success – both professionally and personally.

Get your foot in the door!

Before you get to the interview table you need to:

  • Learn how to identify jobs that fit your profile.

  • Create a winning strategy to help you get your foot in the door!

Don't undersell yourself!

Join other job seekers who choose to partner with me, Tania (Qclubbb Bold Brave Beautiful coaching), to successfully move from where they are, to where they want to be.

Are your limiting behaviours holding you back in your job search or promotion? 

This is one woman leader’s ‘saboteur’ comments to me,

‘Do I belong here?’.  ‘What value can I add?’.

Here is a powerful influencer being held captive by their saboteur when they said… 

‘They will find me out’.

Sound familiar? Read on.

Amazing coaching helps job seekers achieve success fast!

Stand out from the crowd

It’s hard to know where to start, how to stand out from the crowd, & how to keep your spirits up during the inevitable job search ups & downs.

A great coaching partner helps you set up for success.

Job search tips

Here are 6 job search tips a client shared from their journal. I’ve added 7 quotations to help you manage the thrills & spills of your own job search:

1. Get organised: Trying to juggle a job search, networking, & follow-ups can feel like herding cats. With my coach I created a system for tracking my progress & keeping myself accountable. This helped me stay on top of things & avoid feeling overwhelmed.

“The best way to find a job is to organise your search as if it were a full-time job.” -Jasper Helderop, Organizational Psychologist

2. Set realistic goals: It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re constantly setting goals that are impossible to achieve. My coach helped break down my job search into small, achievable steps. Then my progress was visible & I celebrated each success along the way.

“The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.” -Marie Kondo

3. Take breaks: Job searching is exhausting. I made sure to schedule breaks into my day, even if it was just for a quick PQ Sage charge, a walk around the block or hydrating. This helped me recharge & stay focused.

“In this game, everyone needs a break to refuel, recharge, and jump back in full throttle.” — Kobe Bryant

4. Think positive: It’s easy to get down on yourself when you’re in the midst of a job search, but it’s important to focus on building the positive & fearless you!

“Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” -Babe Ruth

I made a list of my accomplishments & strengths, and referred to it when I was feeling discouraged. This helped me remember my value & keep going.

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”-Paulo Coelho

5. Be persistent: The key to success in a job search is persistence. I kept networking, sending out applications, & following up until I found the right opportunity.

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” -Dale Carnegie

6. Seek support: Don’t go through the job search process alone – seek out support from family & friends, & connect with your expert coach. Coaching makes a big difference, that’s why big wig leaders work with a coach to find success!

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Good luck to all those job seekers out there, keep faith in yourself! No negative self-talk! 🙂

Tania coaching you forward.
Qclubbb Bold Brave Beautiful

#careercoachingforwomen #careercoachingtips #recruitment #jobsearchtips

Women overcome imposter syndrome with Qclubbb
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