‘Empty Nesters’ – How to cope with change!

How to better manage life & career transition.

Benefits of creating purpose and a smooth a transition.

Empty Nesters - Implications for parents & employees

Parents have just seen their kids begin a new chapter of their lives without them.  They have just dropped off their youngest son or daughter to start university in the US. Other parents across the world are preparing for this big transition too.

No doubt some parents may be thinking, ‘at last!’, and making plans to take that much needed vacation, or rent out their kids room out! However, other parents may be experiencing a real sense of loss.

If you are going through this big life ‘empty nest’ transition and experiencing a shift in your purpose that’s normal. Reach out to me, and let’s find a way of supporting you.

And implication for business with ‘empty-nester’ employees?

How do you not lose senior talent in your organisation? Especially when these ‘empty nesters’  who are right now in your meeting and not thinking ‘business strategy 101’, but instead thinking ‘what is MY life strategy 101?’.

Read on and discover:

  • what your ‘empty nest’ senior employees may be thinking

  • benefits of investing in, and supporting positive life and career transition

  • how to keep the ‘skin in the game’ of senior talent ‘empty nesters’

  • 3 FREE coaching sessions for 2 individuals and 1 business struggling with transition| Qclubbb Coaching | Values ‘Give Back’. Limited places.

Women overcome imposter syndrome with Qclubbb

My purpose is shifting

A recent conversation I had with my coachee client, who’d just shipped their youngest off to university is paraphrased here….

“As an empty nester, I find myself at a transitional point in my life, and I am struggling at work and in my personal life. With my kids in the house I didn’t have much time to reflect. I had to soldier on and show up confident and capable for the kids and my partner, even at work… .  With the kids gone, I feel I’m now losing my grip on my purpose, my relationship, …and I’m not engaged in my job”.

As you can see this person was dealing with a lot. Their personal transition brought up a sense of loss, self-doubt and a new way of thinking.  Thinking which was about to potentially trigger their resignation and other actions.  This experienced, talented, senior employee was now feeling rudderless!

How to support your employee transition from 'less' to 'more'

“The hardest part about raising children is letting them go.” – Maya Angelou

The result of an unsupported transition can lead to feelings of ‘less”, less purpose, less direction, less worth. What are the potential ramifications of this ‘mindset-less?’

Some of your staff may have recently driven back from university having dropped off their kid, or about to. How much support can you give your employee with this transition?

How can you help you employee transition?

Coaching is one great strategy that employers are increasingly investing in to support both the business and the welfare of their employees. A hand in glove approach!

Coaching unlike therapy is not about unpicking the past to get answers, coaching focuses on creating forward motion. Acknowledging personal saboteurs, but at the same time hushing those negative limiting belief voices and leaning into the power of sage.

People who work with me talk about transitioning the mind to create new frameworks of positivity, resilience and creativity. Where they achieve goals and find solutions.

Here are some benefits of supporting your employees through their ‘empty nest’ transition with coaching. This in fact applies to many forms of transition.

Benefits of Investing in Positive Transition Coaching

Transition coaching helps:

  • improve staff morale

  • lower staff turnover rates

  • defeat personal saboteurs

  • increase creativity and productivity

  • create a more engaged and committed workforce

  • a business gain visibility with a higher Trusted Pilot review score…

“Take care of your employees and they’ll take care of your business.” -Richard Branson

Free coaching gift - Qclubbb Bold Brave Beautiful Coaching

In the spirit of my values, which includes ‘Give Back’, and having been an emotional ‘empty-nester mama’, I am excited to offer several free coaching sessions.

If you know of someone who is going through transition and may benefit, please share on this ‘Give Back’ post.

You can either simply message me via LinkedIn or book our online ‘Welcome discovery conversation’ through my Qclubbb website blog – Empty-Nester.

Look forward to hearing how I can best support you.

Tania coaching you forward.

Founder of Qclubbb Bold Brave Beautiful


Women overcome imposter syndrome with Qclubbb
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