Women conquer imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome break the cycle.

Join other women who take action against imposter syndrome.

Women learn how to conquer imposter syndrome and start living the life they deserve | Qclubbb

Bold Brave Beautiful Professional Women – This is your chance!

I’m very excited to bring wonderful women together for this fun and powerful 5 day Imposter Syndrome challenge.

Start with the 5 day challenge – 3 free places!

 Our coaching partnership will help you develop the know-how and skills to help hush your beastly saboteur, imposter syndrome.  


< Access 1:1 coaching,

< saboteur assessment,

< resources and tools

Busy schedule no problem!

I get you’re probably on a tight schedule. I will be hosting the 5 day challenge on our  ‘bold’ app, connect easily at home or work!

Learn more. Schedule your Imposter Syndrome ‘Discovery Call’.  

Let’s talk!

I’ll design the pathway with tailored activities to bring the best out of you.

 Together we find a solution. This 5 day challenge is a great first step! 

Gain power over your beastly saboteurs, and learn how to lean into your sage.

Achieve success – both professionally and personally.

Join other women who choose to partner with Tania, to successfully move from where they are, to where they want to be.

This is one woman leader’s ‘saboteur’ comments to me,

‘Do I belong here?’.  ‘What value can I add?’.

Here is a powerful influencer being held captive by their saboteur when they said… 

‘They will find me out’.

Sound familiar? Read on.

Successful women have self-doubt

Maybe you are very successful at what you do, you own a business, you are a hugely successful social media influencer, …really ahead of the game in your particular profession. People look at you and think, ‘wow’ she’s got it so together! And, most days you really do.

However, deep down, in private you still have episodes of self doubt and lack confidence, sometimes this feels suffocating. You may be wondering whether you’re on the right work-life-love path. And whether you have the right to be there. Imposter syndrome is a real beast, it impacts lives in so many ways. 

Thumbs down to Imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is linked to feelings of self-doubt and intellectual fraud. It can lead to failure (Villwock, Sobin, Koester, & Harris, 2016). It is often made worse by overly harsh criticism (Langford & Clance, 1993; Murugesu, 2020). And that’s hard to avoid in this digital world full of huge thumbs down, and ‘like’ counters constantly measuring our worth. Ping, Ping!

Learn how to silence your imposter syndrome feelings 

Schedule  a discovery call with me, and let’s take action on your imposter syndrome feelings.

Imposter syndrome – why me?

If you are experiencing imposter syndrome, you are not alone. I work with very capable women from all over the world who frequently experience stress and miss out on professional and personal life opportunities because of imposter syndrome.

Our partnership helps them identify triggers, discover ways to recognise their saboteur response, re-channel those feelings, and free themselves from their personal, ugly saboteur.

Ultimately, through our partnership they walk away with the mindset and strategy that enables them to live a confident, so much happier, and fulfilled life. Can you imagine how good that feels?

Are you ready to own the same feeling?  Yes! Super, schedule our call, and let’s begin the first step.

When does your imposter syndrome get most ugly?

Is it when you’re …

< under pressure to perform.

< under the spotlight.

< at your most vulnerable

< at your peak of performance


Did any of the above resonate?

We are all different so responses vary. Let’s look to find your triggers, and work out how best to silence your saboteur.

Conquer imposter syndrome with Tania, expert coach and designer of specialist programmes for women. 

Benefits of our partnership

Until we speak, here is a flavour of what some clients work on with me:

< Setting boundaries, less pleasing others and more giving attention to own joy, and physical and mental health.

< We wiring their mind away from limiting beliefs, to living with feelings of amazing self worth; ‘I am more than good enough!’

< Showing up consistently without resorting to procrastination and avoidance… a real procrastination trait!

< Growing their PQ brain and learning how to recognise and quieten their beastly saboteurs.

 < Growing powerful, beautiful sage so each day they show up self compassionate and full of confidence… bold brave beautiful.

< Throwing away baggage that is weighing them down, creating their own amazing happiness and success pathway.

< Us celebrating their growth & success  journey of owning their bold brave beautiful, to love and conquer what they truly desire.

Perhaps you want similar outcomes, or maybe not. That’s fine, the reason why Qclubbb is special is because (of you of course!:)) it is a very personal service, a partnership relationship between you and me. That means  you can  feel comfortable being you,  no judgment, fully confidential, and it is totally customised. I am here to support your needs, helping you grow, and achieve the result you really want. Are you feeling excited about that?

Feelings are the last to change and they can be stubborn, refusing to shift. I am here to give you the tools and mind-scope to move them on, and stop feeling like an imposter.

When you are given the right tools and support, new thinking can be learned. I will show you how. Then you can use your sage to squash this saboteur when it shows up.

Let me ask you again, are you going to be continually robbed of your value and feelings of success?

No, good, acknowledging that you are really motived not to have your power taken from you, that’s the first great step. Now find out how I can help you move to the next empowering step.

Discovery call!

As each person I encounter is unique I work with a small number of women to give them my full attention so the outcome they are looking for is achieved harmoniously and more quickly. 

The Qclubbb coaching and programme is tailored to you via the discovery call, assessments and our coaching conversations. 

This call is very useful because it gives you an opportunity to ask your questions, before making any commitment.  Plus, it gives us both the opportunity to see if we have the right chemistry to work together. 

Imposter Syndrome app

I must say, I am quite excited about this awesome app I can now offer you. It makes life easier as we can can communicate and you can access particular assigned activities with ease.  

You are busy, so through the app our coaching and your programme can fit to your schedule on the move. This means you are more likely to achieve rapid, sustainable results in the area you want to work on. 

Round the clock support

As an addition, …

If you want me to be on call, that can be arranged. The app makes contact effortless and swift for those moments you really need me to help keep you on course.

If you hadn’t already guessed I am the founder of Qclubbb. 

My clients speak of my results and being an international, compassionate expert in training and coaching. I can share these endorsements through LinkedIn during our discovery call.

I’m really looking forward to speaking with you soon.  And, should we wish to start our coaching and course partnership, I very much look forward to getting you from where you are now, to where you want to be.


Qclubbb – Ultimate Coaching | Growth & Success Tailored Programmes

Bold Brave Beautiful

Women overcome imposter syndrome with Qclubbb
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